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Aluminium & Sustainability
The first Aluminium Insight’s CPD Series will focus on the topic of aluminium and sustainability, including the environmental benefits of aluminium as a resilient building material.
Our international guest speaker is award-winning architect and leading international expert in the field of aluminium sustainability, Professor Michael Stacey. Stacey has been researching the topic of aluminium sustainability for nearly 30 years and will be providing exclusive insights into his research and quantifying evidence on how aluminium offers a sustainable solution in the built environment, including findings from his 2012 International Aluminium Institute’s ‘Towards Sustainable Cities’ research programme.
Key Learning Outcomes
Understand aluminium as an advanced building material.
Understand the sustainable advantages of high-quality finished aluminium from a whole of life perspective.
Highlight the importance of quality aluminium finishes to the product lifecycle.
Lessons learned from an international perspective of aluminium in future sustainable cities.

This CPD presentation has been assessed and certified by Archify and will provide attendees with 1 Formal CPD Point.

For Future Aluminium Insights Lecture Series
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